1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
class Migration extends MigrationBase {
var $methodsQueries = array(
"documents" => "select ob.*, cb.*, c.*, bd.*, d.*
from objects ob, content_bases cb, contents c, base_documents bd, documents d
where cb.id=ob.id AND c.id=ob.id
AND bd.id=ob.id AND d.id=ob.id
AND ob.object_type_id=22",
"shortNews" => "select ob.*, cb.*, s.* from objects ob, content_bases cb, short_news s
where cb.id=ob.id AND s.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=18",
"objectRelations" => "select cbo.* from content_bases_objects cbo",
"categories" => "select oc.* from object_categories oc",
"contentObjectCategories" => "select cboc.* from content_bases_object_categories cboc",
"areas" => "select ob.*, co.*, a.* from objects ob, collections co, areas a
where co.id=ob.id AND a.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=1",
"sections" => "select ob.*, co.* from objects ob, collections co
where co.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=3",
"images" => "select ob.*, cb.*, st.*, im.* from objects ob, content_bases cb, streams st, images im
where cb.id=ob.id AND st.id=ob.id AND im.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=12",
"videos" => "select ob.*, cb.*, st.*, v.* from objects ob, content_bases cb, streams st, video v
where cb.id=ob.id AND st.id=ob.id AND v.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=32",
"files" => "select ob.*, cb.*, st.*, f.* from objects ob, content_bases cb, streams st, files f
where cb.id=ob.id AND st.id=ob.id AND f.id=ob.id AND ob.object_type_id=10",
"copy" => "event_logs groups groups_users lang_texts modules object_types permissions permission_modules question_types search_texts trees users"
public function createExport() {
$this->write("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;\n");
protected function documents($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$contents = array_merge($r['cb'], $r['c']);
$contents = array_merge($contents, $r['bd']);
$this->write($this->createInsert($contents, "contents"));
protected function shortNews($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cb'], "contents"));
protected function areas($r) {
$r['ob']['creator'] = $r['a']['creator'];
$r['ob']['publisher'] = $r['a']['publisher'];
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['a'], "areas"));
protected function sections($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert(array('id' => $r['co']['id']), "sections"));
protected function images($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cb'], "contents"));
$r['st']['mime_type'] = $r['st']['type'];
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['st'], "streams"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['im'], "images"));
protected function videos($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cb'], "contents"));
$r['st']['mime_type'] = $r['st']['type'];
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['st'], "streams"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['v'], "videos"));
protected function files($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['ob'], "objects"));
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cb'], "contents"));
$r['st']['mime_type'] = $r['st']['type'];
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['st'], "streams"));
protected function objectRelations($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cbo'], "object_relations"));
protected function categories($r) {
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['oc'], "categories"));
protected function contentObjectCategories($r) {
$r['cboc']['object_id'] = $r['cboc']['content_base_id'];
$r['cboc']['category_id'] = $r['cboc']['object_category_id'];
$this->write($this->createInsert($r['cboc'], "object_categories"));