BEdita API doc | 3-corylus
Classes summary
Addon | Handle BEdita addons (models, components, etc,..) to enable/disable it and so on |
AddressbookController | AddressBook Module Controller |
AddressbookShell | Shell script to import/export/manipulate cards. |
AdminController | Administration: system info, eventlogs, plug/unplug module, plugins, utility.... |
Alias | Class that handles nickname aliases |
Annotation | Base annotation |
ApiAuthComponent | REST API auth component 'access_token' used for authentication is a JSON Web Token (JWT) |
ApiBaseController | ApiBaseController class |
ApiFormatterComponent | ApiFormatter class |
ApiUploadComponent | ApiUploadComponent class |
ApiValidatorComponent | ApiValidatorComponent class |
AppController | Controller base class for backends+frontends |
AppError | BEdita/cake error handler (backends+frontends) |
AppHelper | Helper base class contains common helpers methods |
Application | Multimedia application object |
AppModel | BEdita base model classes |
Area | Publication data |
AreasController | Controller module Publications: managing of publications, sections and sessions |
Audio | Audio stream |
AuthenticationsController | Authentication controller |
BannedIp | Banned ip object |
BEAppModel | Bedita model base class |
BEAppObjectModel | BEdita base app object class. BEdita objects should extend BEAppObjectModel |
BeAuthComponent | User/group/authorization component: - login, session start - user/group creation/handling |
BeAuthFacebookComponent | Facebook User auth component |
BeAuthGoogleComponent | Google User auth component |
BeAuthTwitterComponent | Twitter User auth component |
BeCallbackManager | Basic event manager for BEdita. |
BeConfigure | BeConfigure class handle BEdita configuration |
BeCustomPropertyComponent | Custom properties handling component |
BeditaAnnotationModel | Bedita annotation model |
BeditaBaseShell | Base class for bedita shell scripts: provides common filesystem related methods. |
BeditaCollectionModel | Base model for collection objects. |
BeditaContentModel | Bedita content model relations |
BeditaExportFilter | Base model for export filters. |
BeditaImportFilter | Base model for import filters. |
BeditaObjectModel | Bedita simple object |
BeditaProductModel | Base class for products |
BeditaShell | Base class for bedita shell scripts: provides common filesystem related methods. |
BeditaSimpleObjectModel | Bedita simple object |
BeditaSimpleStreamModel | Base model for simple stream objects. |
BeditaStreamModel | Base model for stream objects. |
BeEmbedFlashHelper | Flash embed helper |
BeEmbedHtml5Helper | HTML5 embed helper |
BeEmbedMediaHelper | Helper class to embed media contents |
BeErrorCode | Default Error Code object. |
BeExceptionHandler | Default Exception handler class |
BEFile | File stream |
BeFileHandlerComponent | File upload, save, modify, delete, manage (remote as well). Uses Transaction component. |
BeFormHelper | BeFormHelper class |
BeFrontHelper | helper class for frontends |
BeHashComponent | General BEdita hash component |
BeHtmlHelper | BeHtmlHelper class. Extends CakePHP HtmlHelper adding some functionality |
BeLangTextComponent | Translation properties manipulation |
BeLib | BEdita libs class. Instantiate and put in the registry other classes |
BeMailComponent | General BEdita mail component |
BEObject | BEObject class |
BeObjectCache | BeObjectCache class |
BePaginatorToolbarHelper | Help to build a toolbar for pagination. |
BeSchema | Utility class that handles schema/db issues |
BeSecurityComponent | BeSecurityComponent class |
BeSystem | BeSystem class handle BEdita system utility methods |
BeSystemComponent | Component for low level operations |
BeThumb | Thumbnail utilities class |
BeTimeHelper | Date, Time Helper that extend TimeHelper use strftime and its format instead of date |
BeToolbarHelper | Table toolbar for pagination and search helper |
BeTreeComponent | Management of the tree of the contents. |
BeTreeHelper | BEdita tree of contents helper |
BeUploadToObjComponent | Upload component: common file, multimedia file, third party multimedia url (vimeo, youtube, etc.) |
BeurlHelper | Url helper class |
BeVimeoComponent | Vimeo component |
BeYoutubeComponent | Youtube media component |
BuildFilterBehavior | |
CacheableBehavior | CacheableBehavior class |
CacheShell | Default shell script for cache operations, mainly cleanup |
CallbackBehavior | Migration behavior to translate basic Cake callbacks to BeCallbackManager events. |
CaptchaComponent | Captcha creation and management |
Caption | Video caption |
CaptionsBehavior | Captions behavior |
Card | Addressbook card model |
CardsImportFilter | CardsImportFilter: class to import card objects from CSV/vCard file |
Category | Category model |
CleanupDataTask | Cleanup data task |
CleanupTask | Cleanup task |
Comment | Comment annotation |
CommentsController | Comments module controller |
CompactResultBehavior | Compact find result |
Content | Content model |
CreateIndexFieldsBehavior | |
DataShell | format shell script |
DataTransfer | Bedita model base class |
DateItem | Date item object |
DbadminShell | Dbadmin shell: generic methods to check/fix some db data, for example translations, multimedia. Some other methods to insert test objects data. |
DeleteDependentObjectBehavior | Behavior to remove descendants of the object deleted |
DeleteObjectBehavior | DeleteObjectBehavior class |
DeployShell | Deploy shell: methods to createa releases, version update, (TODO) update from SVN or from tarball , |
Document | Document content |
DocumentsController | |
DumpModel | BEdita base model classes |
EditorialContentsShell | Update publisher field for contents created by users . |
EditorNote | Editor annotation |
Event | Event content. Associated to items DateItem (event start_date and end_date) and GeoTag (event location) |
EventLog | Log for Event |
EventsController | Events module controller |
FilesController | |
ForeignDependenceSaveBehavior | |
FrontendController | Controller base class for backends+frontends |
FrontendShell | Frontend shell script initialize basic frontend app |
GalleriesController | |
Gallery | Multimedia gallery |
GeoTag | Geographic tag object - geographical identification metadata |
GettextShell | Gettext shell: methods to parse templates/php files, extract i18n entries and update .po files (gettext files) |
Git | |
GravatarHelper | Gravatar helper |
Group | |
HashJob | Hash asynchronous job object |
History | User access history to contents Model is not a proper BEdita object, model data in history table |
HomeController | BEdita dashboard Controller |
Image | Image stream |
ImageInfoHelper | ImageInfo helper class |
JsonExportFilter | JsonExportFilter: class to export objects to JSON format |
JsonImportFilter | JsonImportFilter: class to import objects from JSON |
JsonView | Json View |
LangText | Lang text object for translation |
Link | Webmark/Link class: generic web link, URL, URI model |
MailGroup | Mail group object |
MailGroupCard | Mail group card for addressbook |
MailJob | Mail asynchronous job object |
MailLog | Generic mail log messages, specially on sending failures/bounce processing |
MailMessage | Mail message content |
MailShell | Default shell script for email notifications and newsletters. To put in cron/crontab for normal use, launch at prompt using "./ mail" WARNING: before using the script check your mail settings - $config['mailOptions'] basic mail params like sender, reply-to, signature... in config/bedita.cfg.php - $config['smtpOptions'] smtp settings ... in config/ |
MailTemplate | Mail template for email |
Mask | Utility to mask sensitive data. |
MediaShell | Base class for bedita shell scripts: provides common filesystem related methods. |
MigrateDumpModel | |
MigrateShell | Migration shell: shell script to migrate BEdita instances from previous versions. You have to create a specific 'migration' script (defining a Migration class that extends MigrationBase), like: class Migration extends MigrationBase { } |
Migration | |
MigrationBase | Migration scripts base class |
MigrationDateItemsShell | Convert Date Items to another format. |
Module | Module Model class |
ModulesController | Base class for modules |
ModuleShell | Module shell: methods to plug/unplug/list modules |
MultimediaController | Module Multimedia: management of Application, File, Image, Audio, Video objects |
NewsController | Short news handling |
NewsletterController | |
NewsletterShell | Newsletter shell: methods to import/export newsletter data (for example phplist filters), other newsletter related utilities |
NotifyBehavior | Behavior class to send email notification to users. Currenly handles this scenarios: - new notes or comments added to an object - object has been modified - user profile created or modified Notifications events are triggered accordingo to user preferences (on comments/notes and objects created) |
ObjectEditor | Object Editor |
ObjectProperty | Property object |
ObjectRelation | Object relations model |
ObjectType | Type object |
ObjectUser | User object |
PagesController | |
Permission | |
PermissionModule | |
PermsHelper | Permission helper |
Product | Base product |
Property | Property object |
PropertyOption | Property Option object |
PublicationShell | Base class for bedita shell scripts: provides common filesystem related methods. |
RedisShell | Redis shell - manage redis cache data |
RelationCheck | Class that provides relation check utility methods |
RelationRepair | Class that provides relation repair utility methods |
RelationShell | Relation shell: methods to check and fix relations |
RelationStats | Class that provides relation statistics |
RemoveDummyNameBehavior | |
ResponseHandlerComponent | Response handler component |
RestClientModel | REST client model uses internally "curl" or cake HttpSocket if "curl" module not available |
Revision | Revision Control System Generic Model for Git/SVN repositories |
RevisionObjectBehavior | Behavior to create/handle revisions for an object |
SearchText | Search text model: index object texts |
SearchTextSaveBehavior | |
Section | Section of website/publication |
SectionDummy | |
SessionFilterComponent | SessionFilterComponent class |
SessionFilterHelper | SessionFilterHelper class |
ShortNews | News content |
SmartyView | SmartyView |
SoapClientModel | SOAP client model |
SplitterSql | |
StatisticsController | BEdita instance data statistics controller class |
Stream | Basic Stream |
StreamLog | Stream Storage for Logging. Writes logs to a stream, optionally formatting it as a JSON. |
StreamsController | |
Svn | |
TagsController | Tags handling |
ThemeSmartyView | SmartyView |
ThumbnailHelper | Thumbnail helper class |
ThumbShell | Shell script to create thumbnails |
TransactionComponent | Transaction component |
TransactionFS | |
TranslationsController | |
Tree | Tree operations model |
TrHelper | i18n - translation helper |
User | |
UserProperty | User custom properties |
UsersController | UsersController: administrate users and groups |
Utility | Utility model class Execute utility operations |
Version | Version object |
Video | Video stream |
VimeoHelper | Vimeo helper class |
WebmarksController | |
XmlExportFilter | XmlExportFilter: class to export objects to XML format |
XmlImportFilter | XmlImportFilter: class to import objects from XML |
XmlJsonConverter | |
XmlView | Xml View used to create XML response |
YoutubeHelper | Youtube helper class |
Interfaces summary
ApiAuthInterface | Describe the methods that every API Auth Component should comply with API auth should be a token based authentication that uses 'access_token' and 'refresh_token' |
MediaProviderInterface | interface used by media provider helper as (youtube, vimeo, ...) |
UploadableInterface | Uploadable Model Interface |
Exceptions summary
BeditaAjaxException | |
BEditaAllowURLException | BEditaAllowURLException // Remote files not allowed |
BeditaBadRequestException | Represents an HTTP 400 error |
BeditaConflictException | Represents an HTTP 409 error. |
BEditaDeleteStreamObjException | BEditaDeleteStreamObjException // Error removing stream obj |
BeditaException | Bedita exceptions definitions, loaded from bootstrap.php |
BEditaFileExistException | BEditaFileExistException |
BeditaForbiddenException | Represents an HTTP 403 error |
BeditaFrontAccessException | |
BeditaHashException | BeditaHash specific Exception |
BEditaInfoException | BEditaInfoException // Information not available |
BeditaInternalErrorException | Represents an HTTP 500 error. |
BEditaIOException | BEditaIOException // Generic I/O Error |
BeditaLengthRequiredException | Represents an HTTP 409 error. |
BeditaMailException | BeditaMailException |
BEditaMediaProviderException | Bedita exceptions definitions, loaded from bootstrap.php |
BeditaMethodNotAllowedException | Represents an HTTP 405 error. |
BEditaMIMEException | BEditaMIMEException // MIME type not found or wrong |
BeditaNotFoundException | Represents an HTTP 404 error |
BeditaNotImplementedException | Represents an HTTP 501 error |
BeditaPublicationException | BeditaPublication specific Exception |
BeditaRuntimeException | Runtime exception (default http status code 500) |
BEditaSaveStreamObjException | Bedita exceptions definitions, loaded from bootstrap.php |
BeditaServiceUnavailableException | Represents an HTTP 503 error |
BeditaUnauthorizedException | Represents an HTTP 401 error |
BEditaUploadPHPException | BEditaUploadPHPException // handle php upload errors |
BEditaURLException | BEditaURLException // URL rules violation |